Sunday, September 05, 2010

My Drew Barrymore story...

Drew on Justin: Mystery is sexy
By Raymond de Asis Lo, L.A. Correspondent (The Philippine Star) Updated September 05, 2010 12:00 AM Comments (0) View comments

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Drew Barrymore (with Going the Distance co-star Justin Long, inset): ‘I think I know what I personally want in my life to make a relationship work or what makes me happy.’
MANILA, Philippines - Drew Barrymore and Justin Long have been tabloid fodder for sometime now. They have not publicly addressed their relationship but if the Internet is to be believed, Drew and Justin have broken up and made up twice already. “Mystery is sexy,” Drew tells this writer. Currently they are said to be just friends.

This writer spoke with the couple two weekends ago in Beverly Hills during the junket for Warner Bros.’ latest romantic-comedy offering Going the Distance.

No, they were still mum about their special relationship although they playfully admitted to Access Hollywood during their interview before me that they drew inspiration from their personal lives. “Everybody knows we have a history together and I just thought, ‘Oh, you know what? Let’s exploit it,” Drew quipped.

“We never talked about when we were together or when we were not. It never ever will be addressed,” Drew told this writer when I had the opportunity to ask her myself. “I definitely think it was a benefit that we knew each other so well. The laughter was genuine; the struggles we understand. It is very rare for me to ever walk into a set and have such an honest, amazing chemistry with someone. It was such a blessing and a gift and I really felt very lucky.”

Justin added that whatever special relationship they had, it helped him prepare for one of the most memorable scenes they had together. “It wasn’t an effort to look at her during the scenes and just feel completely vulnerable and abandoned. It was not a stretch,” he said referring to the scene where his character and Drew’s character had to make a decision on the fate of their relationship.

“Abandoned like free, right?” Drew clarified Justin’s statement and both broke out laughing.

In Going the Distance, Drew and Justin portray two lovers engaged in a long-distance relationship. Drew’s character Erin is based in San Francisco while Justin’s Garret is a true-blue New Yorker. They meet one summer in the Big Apple when Erin was trying to complete her internship at one of the biggest newspapers in New York while Justin was nursing a broken heart.

The movie looks at the hilarity of maintaining a long-distance relationship in an age where modern communication tools that make it easy for lovers to tap a smart phone and find their beloved all smiles on the other end of the line can be utilized to perform the more traditional methods of courtship and, yes, even phone sex!

Asked if they’d ever had successful phone sex in real life, Drew, ever honest and forthright, admitted to have done it successfully once before. “I did at one moment in my life… to give hope to someone.”

The movie also sheds light on the sexual phenomenon that is dry-humping. Dry-humping, simply, is having sex while fully clothed.

“Yes. Lots and lots and lots,” Drew happily replied after being asked if she ever had a successful dry-humping experience. “Dry-humping is good!”

“I’ve been kicked out of Disney World a few times,” Justin tried to joke while evading the question. “Dry-humping can only be unsuccessful if you do it enough, right?”

This writer first met Drew in the fall of 2003 when she sat next to us while we were having lunch at Chin Chin in West Hollywood. She was with her boyfriend, rocker Fabrizio Moretti, at the time and she graciously struck a conversation with us.

Drew has had her share of relationships so we asked for her thoughts on relationships and how to make it work, the pretty actress paused and replied, “Nothing.”

She, however, immediately smiled and picked up after her terse reply and offered a lengthy response: “In all seriousness, I am very excited to be in my 30s and not stand on a soap box and brag what I am now. I think I know what I personally want in my life to make a relationship work or what makes me happy but I feel like I am no authority on how it is supposed to work.”

“I don’t mean it to sound like a really depressing answer — I don’t mean for that. The obvious things — of what it takes for someone to make you feel great, empowered and then loved — I definitely don’t think like I am on any brilliant secrets right now. I feel humbled. I feel like I’ve got a lot to learn.”

How about long-distance relationships?

“I think they can work,” she replied. “I don’t know actually. I know what I would want to make one work, like letters and surprising each other and making plans — things that make you feel great and alive — like, you know what’s happening and it’s not sort of dizzying and unknown and you feel really special and you are walking around sort of blissful, thinking that you are a part of this unit and it’s not a phantom thing. One of the real pitfalls of long-distance relationship is the not knowing of, and the inconsistency of it.”

Going the Distance is now showing in theaters.

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