Friday, January 21, 2011

Oscar noms predix...

In only three days, the Academy will announce their 2010 nominations for the 83rd Oscars.

Oscarwatchers will once again lose sleep as they struggle to get up at 5 in the morning to catch Monique and the Academy president reveal the lucky nominees.

Consider the following prediction a heads-up of the probable names that you will be hearing on Tuesday morning in the 8 major categories:

Picture: Social Network, Inception, King's Speech, Toy Story 3, Black Swan, The Fighter, True Grit, 127 Days, Winter's Bone, The Kids are All Right

Director: Fincher (Social Network), Arronofsky (Black Swan), Russell (The Fighter), Nolan (Inception), Tom Hooper (King's Speech)

Actor: Colin Firth, James Franco, Jesse Eisenberg, Robert Duvall, Jeff Bridges

Actress: Annette Bening, Julianne Moore, Natalie Portman, Jennifer Lawrence, Michelle Williams

Supporting Actor: Christian Bale, Geoffrey Rush, Andrew Garfield, Mark Ruffallo, Jeremy Renner

Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo, Amy Adams, Helena Bonham-Carter, Hailee Steinfeld, Leslie Manville

Original Screenplay: Inception, The Fighter, Black Swan, King's Speech, The Kids are All Right

Adapted Screenplay: Social Network, True Grit, The Town, 127 Hours, Winter's Bone

Other predix:

8+ nominations - The King's Speech
7+ nominations - The Social Network, The Fighter, Inception
5+ nominations - Black Swan, The Kids are All Right, True Grit

See you Tuesday! :)

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