Monday, July 13, 2009


there is a reason why i haven't posted any blogs in the past two days. a big, dark reason!

i got no power in my apartment for the entire weekend beginning friday night, sob...

i am renting the upper unit of this two-storey structure. i got no next door neighbors. i occupy the entire second floor. the building is a mixed commercial/residential type and a company was (notice the tense) renting the lower floor until the end of last month.

friday night, my friends pochaco and jaggy were supposed to stay overnight and we were supposed to watch "true blood" (i wonder, how i'll ever get to watch episodes 3 onwards???) and the paul blart dvd i borrowed from the corner video shop until the wee hours. that was the plan. at about a little past 8, pochaco called and left me a voice message. i couldn't get to her call because i was busy picking out a dvd to rent.

i was already driving home and about to make a turn to my apartment, when i checked her message. she was asking me i paid my power bill for the month. i wonder why was she asking me that; my rent covers all utilities!

it turned out power to my apartment was cut off that afternoon! aarrgh!!!

the power company came to cut off the lower floor's power supply and the stupid guy (sexist eh? it could be a woman, for all we know, so to be fair i will add stupid gal as well - lol) who cut the power inadvertently cut connection to the upper floor, too.... what the F@#@!!!

i immediately called my landlord only to get his voice mail box. shoot! went to my neighbor (they live in a separate building) and asked if they know any number through which i can contact my landlord. they had nothing besides what i already have...

when i came up, pochaco and jaggy were languishing in darkness with only the faint glow of their cell phones providing them light (if you can call it "light" at all!). they were trying to boil rice on the stove as my rice cooker was practically useless. the kare-kare from barrio fiesta that i left in fridge got spoiled - we were supposed to have it for dinner. good thing my friends bought fried tilapia and fried squid from the filipino store. and bless the makers of canned goods, we opened two cans of sardinas to supplement dinner, hahaha! we had an impromptu candle-lit dinner that night.

after dinner, bob, my landlord, called (thank goodness!) and told me what had happened. he said power won't be restored until monday and what he could offer me for the meantime is to connect me to the other building using this super-extended extension cord. i was able to plug in my fridge and a lamp after. that's it!

don't ask me about the weather this weekend. i actually hated myself for wishing for summer!!! i was actually sick yesterday but being the only day that i am free these days, i still had to go out to do some errands. went to the mall (the cold from the airconditioning gave me chills! - hahaha) to pick out some stuff and drove to pasadena. i stayed in glendale most of the day helping tony v. pack up his stuff and i went home at about 10 wishing for a good night's sleep after two previous nights of sweat and discomfort. no luck there :(

i remember posting a story sometime last month about the lack of electricity during my childhood. this was worse. i am a slave to the modern world. i can't go back to the days of darkness anymore...


  1. Hahaha...from the looks of it you survived! You may have been more pissed now than before, but dealing with a Brown Out is like riding a bike - you never forget! LOL

  2. It had to happen to someone...who else better equipped than you to handle it hahaha!

  3. LOL...ano yan, you used jumper???

    Kidding...glad you survived...


  4. hahaha "super-extended extension cord"... i wonder how long it was... =P
