Thursday, October 08, 2009

filipino in the running for CNN's "Hero of the Year"

from tita mabe, i received an email inviting me to vote for a compatriot, efren peñaflorida, whose social activism and philantrophy received the attention of CNN which named him one of the ten outstanding heroes of the year.

this month, the leading global news network is conducting an online poll on who among the ten heroes deserves to be named the "hero of the year". the winner gets $100,000 in additional funding.

the story of efren peñaflorida is something that should inspire every filipino dreaming of helping their countrymen but doesn't quite know how to begin. this young man did not benefit from a hefty trust account nor did he grow up in so-called "exclusive" villages; he is what i would call my own people.

he did not necessarily come from the humblest of backgrounds but this young man's passion, all at a tender age of 28 years old, is something every filipino should be very proud of.

he proves that one do not need millions nor powerful friends to be able to extend his hand to help. one does not have to change the world in a massive scale to make a mark. one doesn't need pictures nor television to document and announce his deeds in order to be effective.

one only needs to have heart and the willingness to sacrifice a little bit of one's time (and perhaps worldly ambitions) to make a difference.

a $100,000 would be a tremendous help. he surely doesn't need it but it wouldn't be too bad to have it either.

please go to and cast your vote. you can check out the rest of the ten identified heroes and if you feel that another deserves it more, then by all means, go cast your vote for that person. they are all deserving of it anyways...

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